human resources

Not Enough IT Resources to Support CCM?

August 15 2023 | By Rod Lowe | Blog

The pandemic spawned a new challenge for businesses. Even after they were healthy and the threat of infection subsided, many staffers did not return to work. Companies suffered from phenomena such as the Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting. The most brutal hit was in departments like IT, where skilled workers were in high demand and short supply even before COVID-19.

Conventional wisdom dictates customer communications management (CCM) applications require developers and specialized IT professionals. CCM is the connection between businesses and their customers. The show must go on even if technical workers are not readily available. A modern cloud-based CCM system like Quickcoms allows companies to transfer tasks that once required on-premise software IT intervention to less technical workers in business units.

Demand for Skilled IT Staff

Companies sought skilled IT workers before the pandemic, and the sudden shift to remote work increased demand. Many IT professionals took this opportunity to explore new job prospects. Since the pandemic, businesses have increased remote and hybrid work arrangements, e-commerce has surged, and the availability of online healthcare and educational services dramatically expanded. These trends require web and cybersecurity solutions and, therefore, more IT workers.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, IT occupations are projected to grow by 13.4 percent over 2020–2030, 5.7 percentage points faster than the 7.7 percent average for all occupations. The IT services occupational group did not experience a decline in employment during the pandemic.1

Traditional Customer Communication Management Platform

Traditional customer communication management platforms are detailed. Each piece of code has a specific function. Technical expertise is what keeps components communicating with each other. Continued maintenance presents several issues. As mentioned, specialized resources are scarce. Programmers are in short supply, specifically for CCM applications. Next, creating dynamic document templates using data requires advanced skills. Templates include variable data substitutions or triggers that call a specific element, such as a text block, to customize documents. Finally, testing new document templates requires attention to detail when building a testing routine to confirm that all the “if this, then that” arguments are correct and the final form is accurate.

The “No Code” Approach

One purpose of CCM software is to provide a superior customer experience. It is a task best served by your marketing or customer service team, even if they are not programmers. They know your customers. Expectations from the marketplace are in constant evolution. Last year’s documents may not work this year. Fewer IT resources encourage business users to manage CCM technology with no-code CCM software like Quickcoms. Non-IT personnel can make documentation, workflow, campaign deployment, and business rule changes on demand. No code updates make the organization extremely reactive to regulatory updates, the needs of the marketplace, and your customer base. When business users make CCM changes and updates, they are proactive rather than reactive. That is not true with a stretched-thin IT department assigned CCM programming changes.

CCM in the Cloud

Cloud-based CCM solutions like Quickcoms are significantly improved compared to on-premise legacy solutions commonly used by banking and healthcare institutions. Cloud technology prevents the grouping of data silos by integrating data into a single platform. It facilitates data transparency throughout the organization so everyone is aligned with customer communication goals and initiatives. Data is backed up in real time, simplifying the restoration of lost or archived information.

With the shift to the cloud, CCM vendors carry more infrastructure responsibilities than on-premise CCM technology. Data and applications are accessible to remote and on-site employees. A software upgrade is pushed to the cloud. The organization is always on the most current version.

Migration from Legacy Systems to the Cloud and No Code CCM

Implementation requires your vendor’s expertise in a “no-code” CCM software environment. They have experience with successful CCM migrations. The CCM vendor involves the IT department in the configuration and implementation phase, including data source integration, line of business applications, and digital workplace platforms. The marketing and customer service departments are also included in the implementation. In the future, these departments will implement document changes.

Looking Forward

The Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting phenomena highlighted the importance of adaptability and employee-centric strategies for businesses to navigate the post-pandemic landscape.

Quickcoms’ customer communications management platform enables organizations to build and execute effective communications with non-IT workers, simultaneously lowering operating costs and ensuring compliance. Residing in the Cloud, Quickcoms’ technology is scalable to accommodate changes in the business environment. The Quickcoms platform provides practical ways to improve change management and CCM data for banks, insurers, and regulation-sensitive companies. Less IT intervention and a “no coding” design give organizations the power to meet all regulatory deadlines and support superior customer service even during a disruption, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
